Wednesday, July 9, 2008


So, my SnB had another tech meeting, this time Stacey taught entrelac, here is the start of a bag to be felted in Noro. I've finished the second side last night and started sewing them together, but I don't want to post a pic. I think this will be one of the gifts for our birthday swap. I'm not sure how it will turn out, that's half the fun of felting, the other half is it hides all sorts of mistakes. Oh, me? Mistakes? Ha

I finally got past the first 10 rows on the Muir lace shawl, after, count them, 22 starts. I've even asked the great yahoo knitlist for help, and of course I got several ideas and recommendations, Thank You!
I've decided to use the little girl hair rubber bands as markers, any of the other markers I have were slipping under the yarn overs and I kept on losing count. I'm also using a dental floss life line, haven't had to use it, but maybe just the thought that I have it helps me to relax a bit. This is a beautiful butter yellow merino lace weight I got at the Sewing and Quiling Expo from French Creek Fibers in Avon. Because I really need to pay attention to what I'm doing, it's hard to sit down and work on it, this may be a year long project!
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