Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sock, Sock Wars, Socks

Sent off the first pair of socks for Sock Wars. Didn't much care for the way the pattern was written, I finished them before the new/better pattern was posted. Still turned out OK and my target called to say she loved them. They are in Tofutsies at 8sts/inch, a little loose and the toe's aren't my favorite, but I wanted to follow the pattern as much as possible.

Sent off my targets finished SIP's, waiting to see if my target's target is declared dead and waiting in the mail for her SIP's to work on. Still waiting every day to see if I'm dead. No hurry MissM. The lifted increase in the pattern has been quite a bone of contention, I didn't have a problem because it's the same increase used in the Crazy Toes and Heels book.

Speaking of Crazy Toes and Heels, I thought I'd work on these, oh how I hate to wait. Turned the heels last night.
I really like the techniques in the book, I'm getting great fitting socks, look at the beautiful heel. I started the slip stitch below the heel, they are nice and snug. Here's a link to Mary Ann Beattie's site. http://www.queenkahuna-creations.com/

This is the split rib, really stretchy and fitting, Can't wait to get these finished, hopefully before the weather turns HOT. I'm really liking the TrekkingXXL, using a 000 needle, slow going!
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Summer will be on us

The Fire bushes and Forsithia are taking over, we had a lot of rain this spring, they must have loved it!

I was worried the Arum was not going to make it, but it is bigger than ever, can't wait to see the blooms

Come on Peonies, how come they take so long, every day I go out and expect them to be blooming.

Even the Cornflowers are happy, I do love this time of year!
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Color Everywhere


Corral Bells

Lily of the Valley

Bleeding Hearts are on their way out.

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Another sign of Spring is the toads maknig babies

LOTS of babies, the little black spots are eggs

We now have thousands of little toad-poles swimming around in the pond. In a few weeks we'll have tiny little toads everywhere, Fred holds off mowing until they hop away.
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Spring is Here!

The next sign of spring is the arrival of the Hummingbirds, lots of them this year.

And of course the blimp over the house, on it's way to the Indians game. So close!

Freddy's new job has taken him to many places, I made him a "kitty" to keep him company.
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The Birds

First sign of spring, lots of birdies, we sure do enjoy their visits.

The woodpeckers have been around all winter, can't seem to get any pics of them.
We've got 5 different kinds, but not the ellusive Pileated.

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Winter Storms

Been awhile, thought I'd post some of the pics from the last few months.....we had a warm up then ice covered everything! It was beautiful.

Then it snowed, and snowed, over 13 inches over two days, it was so quiet!

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